Laptop Craptop!
My laptop misery continues apace: I posted a couple of months ago about this and it's still not fixed. I took it to a shop who had it for about a month and they couldn't or wouldn't do it because it had been opened already. I'm using the equivalent of a model T Ford computer at the moment, noo TC it's not the abctales one that I bought from the office. I did say I didn't know anything about computers: I rather foolishly went online without a viable firewall or anti-virus and in 10 minutes gathered about a dozen viruses. Hey ho! My question is; does anyone know anyone out there who's an expert on laptops? I've phoned several people locally and they don't want to touch laptops. And I've got sitting on the floor a piece of technological wizardry that was priced at £1500 4 years ago gathering dust. Daft.