macmillan new writing website

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macmillan new writing website

Some of you may have heard of the Macmillan New Writing imprint. Their new website was launched today. The first books will be available in April (mine included!), in the meantime they are still accepting submissions and the details are on the website.

Congratulations on your new book! I'm a bit confused though. When I first heard about Macmillan New Writing, I thought it was author-subsidised, but the new website clearly states that no contributions are required. Can anyone explain? Thanks, Tara
No it's definitely not author subsidised. I believe it's just a case of waiving the advance. The author receives the royalties as and when they're earned through sales instead. Without the advance (and if the book is pretty much ready to print) they keep the initial outlay cost down and can therefore take more risks. Established authors would probably insist on an advance. I think it's a fabulous idea (I'd go for it, except I haven't got that new novel thingy that they seem to insist upon.)
Thanks, Tara and Lou. You're right, Lou, it is not an author-subsidised or vanity publishing venture. All authors are offered a standard contract, without advance but with royalties. The confusion came about, I think, because of the way it was reported when it was first announced. Macmillan said right from the outset that they would not be taking on books that needed substantial editing. A book that showed promise but was not 'there', in their opinion, would be rejected. They muddied the waters, I think, by saying to people, 'You might want to consider getting help with this, from a professional editor,' while giving the website of the Association of editors and copy-editors. If a writer chose to take up this suggestion, it would be at their own cost. (And risk - there was no guarantee that the book would be accepted even after the editor had worked their magic.) The press reported this as macmillan making writers pay for their own editing, which was not the case at all. I believe Macmillan were genuinely trying to be helpful, but it did backfire a bit and cause some confusion. Hope this helps. If anyone has any questions about the submissions process, send me an email. Or you may like to look at something I wrote about my experiences for a friend's blog:
Thanks for explaining this. I guess I misunderstood from the way it was reported. I do think it's a great idea to focus on new writing - best of luck with it!
Thanks Tara. Your own website looks pretty cool by the way, and good luck with your books.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
Just a quick update. The publisher has written a book abou t the whole Macmillan New Writing venture. If anyone is interested in how MNW is helping new writers get into to print, have a look at the blurb: Proceeds from the book will be going to charity: the Book Trade Benevolence Society.
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