Geoffrey and Geraldine need lots more adventures before they become parents, some of them scary even. Then we'll know them better, and then we'll care more about them. They sound like cool giraffes though.
Mind your punctuation though Maggie, full-stops and commas.
i enjoyed this maggie, and tho I thought you needed alittle more explanation, at times it felt abrupt, but then I'm not sure thats just my adult mind's eye looking at it from a too adult perspective.
if I were you i would run off a few copies with a few pics - perhaps to color in and ask some children under 8 or so, what they thought. That way you might get some useful feedback. or perhaps a local teacher or liberian could help you get it toned just right to reach the kids you'd like to aim for?
I like the new ones maggie, especially the geoffrey slide - I've read this kind of thing to my nephews and it's right up their street.
To take Maisie's suggestion further, these stories are just made to be illustrated, it would really compliment them.
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!