to be clear by joel

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to be clear by joel

i thought this was excellent. i was strangely drawn into the lives of these two people and their seven-month totals. at first i didn't like then ending, then i did.

nice one, joel. very original.

Yes. I like this one alot. I don't want to talk about it though. Joe
I really enjoyed this too, like Foster the lives of the two people gripped me until the end where, on first reading I was a bit disappointed but, after another read I quite like it.
it left me wondering, just how many are in love with people they live with. I suppose that means its good. but its uncomfy.

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I was about to flag this up. I think it is brilliant in an unsettling and very true way. It is also gently funny (that is a compliement) as well as being sad and cautious. It is very true, and I like that.
I liked it as well. The matter of fact voice spoke volumes.


It makes me uncomfy, which fits my criteria of an excellent piece of writing. Very true. I reckon it could do with being harsher, but that is just the reading I wan to put on it. I enjoyed the details of leaking pens and the explosions on the news. Ace. Span
I liked it too. I enjoyed the bit about the cactus feeling 'some emotion or other'.
yup, yup that very good too. Span
There isn't really much I can add here apart from to show my appreciateion of this piece too. I too loved the matter of fact tone and the fact that the writing reflected the relationship by being emotionless and descript without being romantic. I thought the ending was very fitting as it hints at the fact that there was some emotion underneath it all. Thats my reading of it anyways. If felt like there was a lot of truth in this story! Nikki
I'm glad people enjoyed the story. I'm sorry it made some of you uncomfortable. My favourite part is the cactus as well, Rokkitnite (if that is your real name).
This is beautiful. Like the numerical repetitions. It is very sad in a good way, in a satisfying way. It is very good in a sad way too.
the flow and pace were excellent, i loved the random things that were counted alongisde the 'important' things e.g toothbrushes. it reminded me a little of 10cc's 'i'm not in love'. very cherry worthy. ty for the read. Juliet


Anonymous's picture
Congratulations on Story of the Week, Joel. Well deserved. Also to you, Span - congratulations. foster.
I second those congrats, I'm really pleased that this got story of the week, I have been drawn back to it several times since you posted it Joel. Very well deserved.
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