Waiting To Be Made

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Waiting To Be Made

Byrne, this is great. I was going to say lovely, but I'm not sure it is lovely, it makes me a bit uneasy and worries me a bit too.

An excellent read, most deserving of the cherry...

L x

Anonymous's picture
I first read this last night, moments after it was posted, and woke up this morning thinking about it. Excellent work. Some really great lines, a wonderful and consistent tone. The ONLY thing i didn't like was the word plasticine - everytime I see it, I think of the Beatles.
Oops, forgot the link. Thanks BBF...
Thanks guys. I'd like to do something with this but I don't know what. Plasticine was a last minute add-in as I typed it into the submission box, I think you're right in pointing it out Foster - it doesn't remind me of the Beatles but I don't think it fits in!
What a choice piece of writing! The voice is absolutely spot-on throughout. This is definitely one of the best short stories I've read in a long time. I liked 'plasticine' as a description of how the flesh felt, but I agree that it maybe feels a bit awkward as an adjective. Gratz, anyway. It's awesome.
play dough? clay? this story is excellent - i loved the anedotes such as playing backgammon off the hotels network. Juliet


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