Something to moan about...

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Something to moan about...

Bloody student loans!
As I am sat here with a broken laptop and an extremely poorly car I have been dilligently checking my bank account for the last installment of my student loan, that is until I found the piece of paper telling me when it goes in. To my disbelief and enormous anger i don't get it until the 24th April. Now that might not seem so bad, but as I actually finish uni on the 9th May it seems rather pointless as I now can't afford to buy the extra books that I need for exam revision until then. (one moan over)

Also, I seem to have been struck by the log in virus...both on IE and Mozilla, I can't go from one page to another without logging in and it's a pain in the arse as is the fact the pages don't update until i have logged in each time.

Moan over I am now going to stuff my face with chocolate and watch Crash.

feel free to add your own moans.

Yes, I've been uneffected by the log-in and out problems up until now, but today I also seem to have caught the bug. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
... Why doesn't any blinkin supermarkets stock vanilla syrup? £3.50 in Starbucks - it takes the p ...Can anybody believe just how crass and hypocritical Ken Livingstone comments comparing Tiananmen Square to the poll tax riots were. China should be held to accound for their actions ...but no... we conveniently forget about human rights issues and nasty regimes if we need to keep trade relations sweet... also my left breast is bigger than the other... jude visit my boring website


You should save the left one for your encore, Jude. That way you're sure to impress. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
Irish cream flavoured aeros are disgustingly sickly and therefore no good for a pig out choccie session...Crash however is brilliant.
I'm bored. I want to go home.


Depends what they are, do any of them cover how to successfully rob a bank by any chance?
Successfully rob a bank? Get a job in the City, perhaps. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
Cut a long story short, ntl customer service, tech support, credit control and EVERYONE who works there is a bast**d. Hear my music:

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

£5 Tesco voucher? Yes please they do a lovely bottle of Pinot Grigio for £4.99, not so sure about the porn movies though, my nosey kids would probably find them no matter how well they were hidden.
I used to be a fan of Ken Livingstone until the recent brouhaha concerning his various racist comments: but then the absolute refusal to apologise. Now he's in China lauding the fact that they seem to be able to form a tube system 10 times quicker than we can. Anything to do with literally bulldozing their way through people's homes without any thought of the hundreds of thousands of people made homeless?


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