For My Villaintine - Jack Cade

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For My Villaintine - Jack Cade

Loved this. Underneath a seemingly flippant choice of topic is something quite dark and thoughtful. Funny, clever and a good read.

Final stanza of doom! Love the way the soap/misanthrope rhyme is held back.
I thought this was quite good, although the third stanza completely breaks the form, and I didn't understand the stuff about Alfred and Tennyson - bit too obscure - strikes me as a desperate rhyme. 'The feral grin of Errol Flynn' was good though. Check me out! Wasting time giving feedback on my own work! Fergal - I just wondered, where were you on Saturday night? I was looking forward to meeting you.
Yes, I was looking forward to meeting you too, and reading. I love reading. But, unfortunately, without going into it too much, I had to move house on that exact day at the last minute. It was a bummer, but I had no choice. And span didn't get my call and email to tell her I wouldn't be there, so feel a bit of an arse about it. Still, heard it was a great night.
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