Thought for The Day

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Thought for The Day

Quite a hard hitting thought for today by Jonathan Bartley

Obviously there has been a lot of talk around the whole adoption row lately, but I think Bartley makes some excellent challenges here.

I don't believe in Noel Edmonds


God bless thought for the day, there are mornings when I would never turn off the radio and get out of bed without it.


This more or less captures what I always thought Christianity was supposed to be about, which is why I find it hard to understand those Christians who seek to oppress minorities (Catholic Church/Evangelicals) or who love to wage war (Bush and Blair). Some of the right wing fanatical Christian evangelicals, especially those in the US, are so far removed from the spirit of Christianity it's a sick joke. The irony is if Christ were to walk among them today bearded, besandaled and proclaiming peace and love, he would be exactly the kind of person they would sneer at. These people spew out so much poisonous hatred, how could they ever imagine they had any affinity with the Jesus depicted in the Bible?
With you there, Brooosh. The other week, the journalist Johann Hari called on all gay Christians 'to renounce a religion which demands that you deny your sexuality'. For Hari, Leviticus is unequivocal - and Christianity is homophobic. What does that make liberal Christians? According to him, again - hypocrites. Do you think it is that black and white? On a slightly different note - I really think it's high time the BBC made provision for a secular 'Thought for the Day'. The fact that someone has no faith does not mean they have no spirituality. They're entirely separate issues. I don't think I've heard any Buddhists on there, either (though I don't always listen, so I may have missed them). It only ever seems to be spokespersons from the major religions. Humanists have plenty of moral and spiritual perspectives to espouse.
Alan, I'm fairly sure they have had representatives from all the major faiths including Buddhism on TFTD. The problem with the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is that it recommends stuff that no one, not even the most extreme fundamentalist, follows. What happens is that people are selective in which bits they deem to be important - and generally they choose those bits that reinforce prejudices they already hold. Many Christians however have noted that in all his teachings Jesus never once mentioned homosexuality. Clearly it wasn't an issue of concern to the person at the centre of their faith. That's what's so hypocritical about these right wing nutters in America who claim to be Christians. They are all in favour of vengeance and rushing into war, though Jesus went out of his way to condemn such things many times. Yet they are against homosexuality, which Jesus never commented on.
I know a guy named Ralph. He's never commented on homosexuality either. I wonder if he's Jesus, returned to save mankind? Visit me

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Bruce, the bible is just a collection of fairy stories, didn't your mother tell you?


George, one way or another we all have our fairy stories.
Maybe so, but it helps if we can distinguish those from reality, and there is NO reality in any religion except the very real numbers of people who are hoodwinked into believing there is.


George, billions of people around the world draw great comfort from religion. They did so long before we were born and will continue to do so long after we have departed from the scene. I can't see any point in rubbishing an activity which is so deeply ingrained in human culture and which - for the vast majority of participants - does more good than harm. What would you rather they all did, watch Noel Edmonds?
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