Black Dog
“You need to pull yourself together.”
“Come on… snap out of it and pull your socks up.”
These are the sorts of things that have been said to me in the past when I’ve been going through a depressive episode. The sort of people who’ve said them (including ‘close’ family) are the sort of people who simply don’t have a fucking clue what depression is all about. They think it’s ‘just making yourself unhappy and miserable by dwelling too much on negative things.’ If only it was that simple. I dunno... maybe it is.
I’ve suffered from clinical depression for nearly 20 years. The first episode was triggered by a combination of things. I’d just finished at university, which had been a very stressful time. I’d been in a relationship which had foundered quite messily. I’d started a new job. Okay… the kind of stuff we all have to deal with. But we don’t all respond in the same way. Depends on all sorts of things that have gone before, and how these have reacted with – and formed – our individual psychology. Suddenly, everything hit me all at once and I went down. Since then, it’s happened with increasing frequency. Much of it is rooted in childhood experiences. Three years ago, I was nearly completely wiped out by it: I was in a job I hated (and which, in the end, I couldn’t face unless I was drunk), my marriage was collapsing and my father was dying. When he finally died, it all came to a head. I went on a bender that lasted six months, covering the period of separation from my wife, divorce, going on extended sick leave from my job, running into debt, then changing my job. A lot of stuff to deal with. What got me through was daily attendance at a drop-in alcohol unit and a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (I don’t care if people hate the title – the principle and practice were invaluable to me). A year ago, things seemed to be back on an even keel again – and then, quite unexpectedly, it all came back to give me a final kicking. But I got through it, and have managed to keep things under control. ABC has helped tremendously. You can’t begin to believe how much. I thank you all.
And so to today. Here it is again – triggered by a number of things. I’m not happy with where I live, but I can’t find a way out. Writing – something I NEED to do – has dried up. Completely. There’s simply nothing there. And then today I go into work and have a stupid disagreement with my boss – and that’s all that’s needed to throw all the switches. I come home, get drunk (first time in 3 months) and fall into that hole again. I know... daft. Stupid. Weak. But fuck it.
I don’t want sympathy, and I don’t expect it. I just want to get some of this stuff out of my system and onto paper. And to see if there’s anyone else out there who can identify with the problem, and who might have something helpful or insightful to say about it.
Thanks for your time, anyway. Sorry to be so self-indulgent and miserable.
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~