MIMESIS - new poetry journal
Mimesis is a new international poetry journal edited by myself. We are interested in publishing the most exciting poems currently being written, by big and small names alike.
If you can, please do pre-order a copy of issue 1.
Feel free to submit some work. Take a look at the submissions page on the site. Accepted contributors receive a free copy of the mag.
Please spread the word! The mag is a labour of love, and as such we need everything we can get to just stay afloat.
Issue 1 contains:
--48 Poems from:
Julie Carter, Brent Fisk, Rebecca Kutzer-rice, Jee Leong Koh, Taylor Loy, Rob Mackenzie, Ian McLachlan, Jon Stone, R. L. Swihart and Emily Stuart.
--Also: an interview with poet Michael Laskey.
--Artwork from:
Jesse Michael Renaud (cover), Amanda Rehagen and Sarah Hayes.