Submissions Wanted - Monsta
Wed, 2007-11-14 16:18
Submissions Wanted - Monsta
The up and coming ezine Monsta is currently looking for new submissions.
We are particularly interested in short stories. We are open to all genres but we usually focus on science fiction, fantasy, horror and surrealism.
If you have any interesting articles or reviews that you'd like to share with the world then we would be happy to consider them.
Regrettably we can't afford to pay for submissions at this time.
Thank you for your time. We look forward to reading your work.
email us at:
Quite a lot of the stuff I write is sci fi and I've recently finished a horror story. Any more relevant details? Length? Particulars of style or other requirements?
It would be useful to me to know that too, as i write three of them genres, with stories of varied length.
Further details
Hello. Thank you for expressing an interest.
Short stories should be between 1000 and 4000 words long. This isn't an absolute rule. We will consider longer stories but we are more likely to decide to feature your work if you stay within this range.
We want to avoid being prescriptive about style. We are actively trying to feature a wider variety of different styles. We expect your story to be well written but you are obviously fairly serious about your writing or you wouldn't be using a site like this.
Our criteria aren't complicated. Basically we are simply looking for stories that will entertain our readers. Original ideas are always more welcome than rehashes of tired ideas.
If you are sending us a horror story we want to see a bit of subtlety. Pure gore fests always seem slightly lazy.
If you are still interested please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
Hi Alan,
I like the look of the site - it has a great "vibe", as I think you young people say - although it seems to have a few broken links.
Anyway, I can't find anything about your copyright policy or submission criteria on the site - these things might encourage more submissions (I know you've added a few details here, but not all your potential writers are going to come from ABC Tales).
Good luck,
Hi Gareth
Thanks for the advice. You're quite right. We really do need to have some submissions guidelines on the site itself.
In case anyone is wondering writers do retain their publishing rights.
I'm glad you liked the vibe.