Where do you write
Wed, 2010-08-11 12:12
Where do you write
luigi_pagano's excellent piece last week: http://www.abctales.com/story/luigi-pagano/fossil got me thinking about where I write. My best work is done in my head just as I fall asleep, often with the glow of 2 or 3 Peronis on my breath. Of course, by the time I wake all that's left is the skeleton of the poem or story, the flesh having perished during the night. Generally I write at work, during slow periods, or lunchtimes – I never seem to find the time in the evenings or weekends.
So, where do YOU write?
anywhere and everywhere; ideas hit me like meteor showers if i don't get them down they are replaced by the next one. Its the other way for me though i come up with my best ideas when i'v just woken up but not quite fully awake.
I find a poem always starts forming at the most inconvenient times; when I'm in the shower, trying to get to sleep or just in generally somewhere where I can't write it down! Many of my poems started life as a saved text message on my mobile phone!
never thought of that magic, good idea. but isn't that always the way you get the idea when you can't write it down and no matter how hard you try you can never dredge it from memory exactly how you want it.
Well, my laptop/office is currently on my 'dining room table', aka temporary desk, in my living room/dining room. I usually write either there or take the laptop to the sofa. I rarely have time to sit and think and write, unless I am blessed with school holidays, as I am right now - finally getting on with my 'Unbelievable' novel, yey!
As Magic says, the Muse is most inconvenient. Sometimes, I can jot it down and then come back to it later, a few lines or an idea. Other times, I am inspired to write by reading - often just one word or a line in someone's work will hit the 'inspire' button in my brain. I often write snippets or rough drafts and come back to them later, but I can also be 'struck' by an idea and just sit down and somehow, a fully formed poem just flows out, or one that needs a few tweaks - they sort of grow on the screen.
Sometimes, I write one on paper, when I'm struck by something and am nowhere near a computer, and sometimes I get half an hour at lunch at work to get something down...
But, of course, one day soon, someone will offer me a publishing deal and I will be able to write for a living... (please?)
J x