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Topic posted in response to PATIENT-X :
I have posted a sample piece of my first attempt at a novel on here and wondered if there is anyone out there willing to have a look at me and give their honest opinions on the storyline etc, I know there are a few grammar issues and they will be sorted when I get round to properly proofing it, heres the blurb-Jason Cutter is an ordinary guy who has been used and abused by shadowy forces in the guise of Government.Used in Mind Controll experiments that turned him into a Manchurian Candidate, they use him to assassinate the President of the United States. Chaos is created in the form of terrorist attacks and assassinations of other world leaders enableing them to step in and take controll.Jason and journalist Shaun Kane face unsurmounting odds in their race to prevent the creation of a New World Order that is based on fear and terror,leading them to discover who really is controlling everything and has been since time began.

I have left a message on your piece, I must say it was very exciting, I was on the edge of my seat. Jenny.


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