Palin Gets First Dibs on Assange's Genitals After Execution.
From our "Bleeding Tongues" bureau in London, England.
AmeriLeaks has received new secret US Marine Corp documents indicating that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, if extradited to Sweden for rape charges, will be secretly captured in-route by US Marine Corp commando teams and taken to Guantanamo Bay for imprisonment, where he'll face a secret military tribunal.
The US Marine Corp documents also indicate that Assange if found guilty of all counts (and the list of counts is still be compiled), will be taken to Windmill Beach and shot by firing squad. Windmill Beach is a small family beach on the south side of the US Naval Base in Guantanamo, known for a secluded family picnic and snorkeling spot.
After being executed by firing squad, Assange's genitals will be removed using a dull Navy K-Bar knife and sent to Sarah Palin, where she intends to display them in a mason jar on her fireplace mantel. The remainder of Assange's body will be diced up into small cubes, frozen and sent to the members of Congress for freezer storage until the July 4th Congressional picnic, where his remains will be slow cooked over a BBQ smoker and served to homeless children. Assange's hair will be clipped from his body and sent to Santa Wig's Inc, for making fake Santa beards for the members of the Salvation Army.
Calls to the US State Department have not been returned.
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