Published two books on Lulu.
My impatience with the mainstream publishers prompted me to self publish with Lulu. The Eternal Chain, a horror/thriller and This Blood Red Sea, a biography of a friend is now available at Lulu, and within weeks will be available elsewhere. If I am happy with the service, then I will consider publishing another thirteen of my novels. The Blood Red Sea, I would wait until I have recieved my first draft, as I messed up and offered it for distribution immediately. I will notify when I have seen the finished product.
Anyway, I got the idea from the ABC Tales book Let's Start Again, and I'm not getting any younger, so I thought, go for it. I retired two years ago at the young age of fifty so that I could concentrate on writing, and so I thought now is the time. Has anyone elese here had any books published by Lulu? While at first it seemed daunting, it is fairly straight forward, apart from if you want to design your own cover. Not being a techy, I used two covers available on their site.
Thanks for listening folks.