Sending Movie ideas to Companies
Hello ABCTalers---Below is a letter and idea sent to a newspaper several years ago. Never received an answer. I always wondered what a person should do if a movie version came out without having contacted the creator? Any thoughts?
SECONDLY---Has anyone ever tried to sell a movie idea to a production company, and if so what format did you use?
Thanks, Richard LP
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August 11, 2008
Mr. George Lucas,
The above is my idea for your next movie called, “INTO THE FIRE.” This short letter is in response to your article in the Saturday, August 9, 2008 issue of The Halifax Chronicle regarding your seeking a movie idea.
I hope the above inspires you to consider these thoughts and/or stimulate further ideas to the making of your movie.
If interested, please contact me at:
E-mail: OR
81 Queen Street, Unit 6, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 2B2 Phone (902) 897-2344
All above thoughts and ideas are © 2008 by Richard L. Provencher All Rights Reserved.
Idea for Harrison Ford movie--
Harrison Ford’s son is following in dad’s footsteps and pursuing a career in archeology. He tells his dad he is on the verge of a world shattering discovery, totally confidential about it and to take a plane flight to his search area.
The movie begins with dad reviewing son’s e-mail message, “Dad, I found it.” BUT son can’t be contacted, as dad pursues information through all avenues. Son has disappeared. Then it is discovered by son’s girlfriend, who has finally escaped and made her way to authorities, her lover (son} has been kidnapped by a rebel group demanding money by a deadline.
Now father is employed by his foundation to find out what the world shattering discovery is, and his other main interest is in finding his only flesh and blood son, in Venezuela, a country headed by a person suspicious of Americans.
Unfortunately this find is being anxiously sought by the government afraid the “treasure” will end up in foreign hands. They put together a team, protected by an elite group of mercenaries.
The treasure being sought is at the bottom of an old volcano, although dormant at the time the treasure was placed there by early conquerors, is now showing active movement. Time is of the essence. The actual treasure is in my mind and will be revealed at a later time.
(Harrison Ford/dad must search out the info left by his son through a code known only to themselves, taught by dad when the boy and he played games with symbols, not words).
Then HF/dad must find the location of the find, {old volcano in unchartered Venezuela, then climb down it’s face along an ancient trail, seeking the exact spot of the treasure). It’s in a fault on the inner face of the volcano, somewhere in a cave that leads underground. It’s here somewhere.
An unknown tribe never seen by civilization is dedicated to protecting their “treasure.” 3-D effects could be used for spiders, bats, falling rock, chasing natives, kidnappers, escaping son and searching father, all taking place in a cave with tunnels, rope ladders, pitfalls, traps for intruders, a molten lava stream and old conquerors and their bones and heads stacked in small piles. Harrison Ford, his lovely personal assistant and his found son try to escape the wrath of the other two opposing human forces. What is the treasure?
I’ll let you know in my next installment.
© Richard L. Provencher 2008
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Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.