ABC Tales Reading Night - A Big Thank You!
Many, many thanks to all those who made last Saturday’s ABC Tales reading night such an enjoyable occasion. Firstly and mainly, of course, thanks to Mark Say for the splendid organisation, and for being our compere for the night. Thanks to all our readers, who provided an evening of poetry and prose that ranged from the sharply funny to the deeply spooky. One of the very best things about these evenings is the opportunity to meet writers whose work you’ve admired and been intrigued by on the site, and to realise just what a broad church ABC Tales is. Our members come from all ages and backgrounds, and their varied takes on life provide a rich mixture of voices and approaches.
We also had an update on our collaboration with Cerasus, who will be publishing several of our poets over the coming year. This is a really exciting project, which will hopefully provide more opportunities for our writers in the future.
Commiserations, too, to a few of our scheduled readers who were unable to make it because of flu or cancelled trains – there will be another opportunity in the summer! Watch this space for details.
Thanks again to Mark for making it all go so smoothly. Look forward to seeing you all at the next one!