Inspiration point (IP)

Our Inspiration Point as suggested by one of our writers, is  ‘schooldays’. Real or fictional, poetry or prose, good luck with it and do post your results below.

Inspiration point

Living The Dream

Living The Dream? I was preparing a presentation for a school assembly not long before I retired. Teaching had been only one of over fifty skill sets...

They aren’t missing!

They used to think that soon they‘d find a ‘missing link’ between mankind and apes; they drew imaginative posture and facial shapes – all from discovered tooth – excitement big, – then found to be the tooth of a pig! Then …

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Four of Four

Kev sat down on my settee with a beer from my fridge to watch the racing results on my television. Jim in Glasgow had paid for all of these things,...

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Three of Four

From the cockpit, Captain Australia (the world’s first marsupial superhero) announced that we would be landing in Naples, Muscat, Bombay, Singapore...

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Two of Four

Unfortunately, I didn’t have my mobile phone with me because at that stage of the rampant global advance in technology they had yet to be invented,...
