Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


At Winter's Darkest Hour

Elemental deeds in Winter, see how luscious green slips away; behold! Sun sinking low, intense gleam weakened. Blown are the desires of summer, do...

Two Photographs, 30 years apart…

A photograph: bright young thing – twenty-something glamorous, flirtatious, vivacious, self-centred. _______ Another photograph: thirty years later...


There I am again, running through the field picking daffodils. I never change. Well, no, this part of me changes. This part of me has those sixty-odd...

For-Warning Me

If I went back and warned him maybe things would be different...

Animals. Part Three.

Wagging of tail. Tail between the legs. Ears back. Cry. Tail in the air. Loyal. Not just for Christmas. Buddies. Anthropomorphism. Aim to please...
