Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Black Forest

There used to be stories in this wood, this malachite forest scented with wet earth

The Ocean

I can taste the salt coming from the spray of the high tides Ocean as its waves break against the rocks. As I watch the children play, unbeknownst to...


I stood on a mound of dew kissed blades of grass Overlooking the lake. The reflection of the lights dancing On the waters ripples were like that of...

Memories of May in North Pembrokeshire

Spring squill’s blue starlets sparkle the cliff’s stunted turf, salt in the air as the waves crash below, sea winds shaking out mental cobwebs,...

The Dance

‘Hi you.’ ‘Hi.’ ‘How’ve you been?’ ‘Fine, good. You? ‘Fine.’ ‘I’m glad.’ ‘It’s been a while.’ ‘I know.’ ‘I’ve missed you.’ ‘Me too, you.’ ‘You look...
