Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Colours for Kids 10)

Coal and soot and the sky at night (before the moon has risen to shed some light), the patches on a panda, dark stripes across the zebra, the telly...

Green Eyed Monster

They say everything is temporary, But with money families should be wary! He’s having money troubles, but aren’t we all? When she gives him money, I...

Autmn's faces

Autumn – a time of change and chills. Sometimes a glowing summer glimpse … sometimes a sodden grey …

A Jumble [of words]

Fast forward through decades of talking but saying nothing to those who sing along with the expired split, crack, crunch of an autumn leaf without actually having felt it.
