Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Light Parties, Oct 31

Longer, dark night – playing with fright? raise up the Light, festive fun bright, no trick, taunt, or gore, or ugly costumes from the store (throw-away single use plastic to scare with the fantastic) …


Don't try to conjure the dead at Halloween it's not just good spirits that might be seen, invisible places where evil comes through means it could be...

Squash is in Season

"Have a happy Halloween!" "Don't tell me how to live my life," I said. "Cheeky prick." He scuttled off back to his cheeky prick parents stood waiting...

How Not to be a Hitman

With 'Five Years' by Bowie playing, I licked the last of the Christmas pudding off my lips before helping it along with a tot of port. The man across...

Judith Wilkinson

As I stood, my heart beat in my head and out my ears, in my throat and out my mouth, in my chest and through my pullover. Ronnie, the night nurse, wobbled down the stairs with the aid of the two detectives. Her eyes found mine, so I searched them. Ronnie was terrified. Ronnie was grieving. Ronnie was relieved to see me. She hadn't heard a thing.
