Inspiration point (IP)

The season is shifting, so this week's Inspiration Point is 'a change in the air'. Interpret it as you will, and look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point


The stranger

“For goodness’ sake, how did I ever, ever get to this point?” She bows her head, her hair falls loosely over the soft, slightly oval face. Her...
Gold cherry
Story of the week
Pick of the Month

Children of the Absolution

A recollection of thoughts I had during my childhood in the 1960s. I intended writing them down long before now but I was always terrified to death at the thought of the potential consequences.

Give and Take

They had debated at length and she knew that he was wrong but did not worry. Ended the argument sIghing and saying "yes, dear". Was certain that...

Dreaming of a Grey Christmas

Despite my apartment having a four-metre wide window facing south I’m still struggling to see the letters on the keyboard. It feels like it’s been...


"I’m sorry I’m in a mess … "I'm sorry for the mess …
