Tribute Poetry Not Attributed
Mon, 2001-09-10 23:52
Tribute Poetry Not Attributed
Has anyone else read ivoryfishclones reworking of
the great ones poetry?
Goddess ifb has apparently “bestowed her blessing”
upon this venture.
The two poems are excellent especially Eating Bacon.
I suspect many of us admire other people’s writings
but do their words and style influence our own?
Is anyone else here so much enamoured of
another contributor’s work that they would like to
emulate them as a tribute poet? If so whom and what would they name themselves?
And finally, who is ivoryfishclone?
I would call myself Shreddie Ribbons.
my first work would be called "shoplifting forecast".
I may then rework some other classics such as "man on the womb"; "spankers in the works"; "Clarke's wide fit heels" and of course the unforgettable missing condom poem "out of mates".
I may become Lodger mc Cough and rewrite his latest collection as "the way things aren't".
dead x
Thanks for your tribute, deadwood. I love 'Shoplifting Forecast' but 'Out of Mates' is my favourite, fittingly so, since I am the only person I know who doesn't think that 'Out of Dates' is about condoms. I had in mind a packet of flour with the word 'LOVE' instead of 'FLOUR'. To the pure all is pure, I suppose. And no, it wasn't self-raising flour.
Maybe I should rethink some of my titles.
So, to work - I feel a bit of self-parody coming on - I think my deadwood stage is coming up over the hill...
Deadwood John Gibbons
(Alias Eddie No Mates)
well ... words cannot express how flattered i feel about the Tribute Poet IvoryfishCLONE ...
i particularly like "rabbit" which has the exact tone of "goat" and also makes me hoot with laughter ...
*curtseys and exits stage left*
i am so pleased that the bone likes the 2 poems so far. just to avoid confusion, i've just added description lines to the poems [there is also a note in clone's biog], but Rabbit appears to have triggered the language filter and has disappeared a while...
Ivory, is this a cunning stunt?
Are you trying to recapture your pre-soppyloveydoveytwiddly period (in the temporal sense)?
Only askin...
*where's me sandbags?*
Suss-piciously yours,
Eddie GLIBbons.
how could you doubt me thusly? ... the Tribute Poet is a Genuine Other Person ...
i am embracing my soppyloveydoveytwiddly period with open ... errrm ... arms ... i am rejoicing in being GoddessFishConceitedBore ... skipping happily betwixt sink and washing machine and notebook with a winsome smile ...
i am horrified that you could even IMAGINE i would perpetrate a cunning stunt!
yours sincerely
Your Friend Ivory (i thought)
Ivory, you are inimitable. Even your loveydovey poems are great. Clone is very good - but it is like comparing a llama (clone) to a gazelle (bone). It was actually me who was pulling a cunning stunt in order to get publicity and to get people to read my work. I thought that's what the Threads were for.