abctales event 25/10/01 London
Wed, 2001-10-24 22:04
abctales event 25/10/01 London anyone going there then.... ?
Dear Nervous
I'll be there.
You think you are nervous??
I'm coming too, I can recommend Ralph's piece on "It's a wonderful life" by the way, well worth a cherry and story of the day, and I told Ralph to his cyber-face too. Anyone else ?
I'll be there.
*in several minds*
specially as there will only be 3 people in the audience ...
I returned a wallet yesterday and the geezer was so grateful he whispered .....
' nuff said '
ermm, actually he did not mention where your sense of humour is stored.
or is it myth.
I'll hold yer hand, Fish! And the audience will be at least 8 cos there will be all the ABCtales full-tme staff there too (except Andrew cos it's his anniversary so he's let off this time)
We've had a fair few pre-bookings too.
...and they serve alcohol at the venue.
Go on, go on, go on etc ad nauseum. Be ace to meet you at long last.
PS: Ralph, you'll be ace - don't stress.
...the myth of humour is something you're looking for turban....hope you find it..
whatever you say u m m
I don't really care you see.
can't you two play nicely like all the other children
Wish I could be there.
Expecting a good crowd but there's lots of room and we'd love to see you all there.
We've just about got the formula right for these events now so why not organise your own ABCtales event in your town/city? We'll provide back up support, press releases etc and at least one of us will always try to come to the first one. They're great fun and it's a good way to meet the other ABCtalers in a friendly and safe environment.
Contact Lisa Mangan at and she'll talk you through the process. It's not a huge amount of work and the result has so far been very rewarding for each one we've done.
Hope to see loads of you tonight.
pssst! tony! you forgot to change the header!
Hope all you lot have a great time...
Will be there in spirit (mostly whisky)
Damn. A party and I've only just found out.
It would be good to meet all these mysterious names on my screen.
Sadly.. not this time.
Will somebody promise to get drunk and disgrace themselves in my place. (At least two face slappings and a coma.)
Ref; My autobiographical ditty 'Liquid Atmosphere'
Have a ball everyone. Maybe next time.
good luck all ... have a fine time ... see you at the next one ...
I loved the last event I went to and would urge anyone to go to a future event. Sorry I can't be there but I got more problems than even I thought I had.
Hope you all had a great time.
And it or not, I AM BACK!
...but not from the dead, we hope, Spag...
If so, yer on the wrong thread, mate.
Hi Andrea,
Not dead or back from it. I am alive and back on the site. Good to hear from you, 'drea.