More Stuff

Things that didn't fit anywhere else

Thoughts taken from the 6 o?clock news

this shale hallucination glowing sparks of mercury filtered through wet sand clothed in brine a glass tower of shame fractured in the salt wind...

The Heidegger Principle

this wall immobile immutable fragile membrane a construct the illusion of infinity contained splashed with mind echoes and memory fragments washed...

Dante's Lament

Dante's Lament struck dumb, blinded, as your light fades into the frozen frosted empty wastes of the past. the ticking clock torments the senses now...

Waterloo Sunset

Waterloo Sunset From Paddington and Portobello Past an array of fountains To a rain drenched Peter Pan, Just a gentle walk in the Park. Flowers and...


half remembered, half forgotten

they danced by the light of the moon

"they danced by the light of the moon" Wand-happy frag boy Settles into feather bed mud pile While town brother bounds down Lazy aisles of guilt...