Burning Ambition - KevinJHeritage

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Burning Ambition - KevinJHeritage

Let me be the first to pick up on a piece of work submitted to this, our new ABCTales.

Firstly, the obvious comment and the reason why I read on so eagerly: I think we all know the difficulty and the uncertainty of writing for the point of view of the opposite sex. It takes a lot of confidence, which i feel is justified in this piece.

Broadly speaking, I liked it a lot. I did kind of feel that it would work better if it was a little longer. The 'switch' from happy-happy-happy with getting it on with the guy to bunny boiler could be explored further.

I'm a sucker for these kind of stories though, and, as I've said before, your style because (and please don't take offense to this!), I think there are similarities in the way we approach writing.

One little thing that I wasn't too sure about - the last line. Felt you could have come up with something more powerful than 'don't cross me'. But don't ask me what....
