Spikey spikey

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Spikey spikey

So I had this idea just now about The Spike, returning soon to a writing website near you, and I just had to share.

[For those people playing at home who are more recent arrivals, The Spike is where stories used to go for manual checking if they appear to contain "mature content" but you tried to rate them lower than '15'.]

What if I added a similar filter to the forums which trapped only posts containing

a) multiple repeated use of the same punctuation marks, and/or
b) multiple repeated use of the same vowel?


[lights blue touch paper, retires to a safe distance...]

"Yooooouuuuuuullll nnneeevvvveerrrr ccccennnnsssoooor mmeeeee!" Imagine meeting someone who actually spoke with that many vowels. I would censor them with a tank. Huzzah for fingers.
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