Where Have all the Insects Gone?

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Where Have all the Insects Gone?

I don't suppose I'm the first and I doubt if I'll be the last to offer my congratulations on this splendid piece of work. It not only thoroughly desrved the accolade of a Cherry it positively demanded to be nominated "Story of the Week". It invoked all sorts of memories for me and I could almost hear the buzzing of insects and smell the open spaces. Congratulations too to the Editor who chose the piece. I'm sure no one will disagree with your judgement.

Thank you Jingle, and thank you editor for the honour. Now that I've done the 'double' (PotW and SotW) recently I can die in peace... Shamelessly plugging my own work, if you enjoyed this you might also enjoy 'nightlights' which Tessa S selected as StoryoftheWeek years ago! Both pieces are heavily influenced by my zoologist's background and therefore I guess prove the age old maxim that we are best off writing about something we know well... Although I do wish I'd spent some time revising and improving the piece but there you are! thanks again jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


Well done, Jude. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog: http://whatisthisstrangeplace.blogspot.com/
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