Important Subject

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Important Subject

I just thought of an extremely important subject for discussion.
But then I went off to the toilet, and when I came back it had
completely gone out of my head. Sorry.
Ah well... maybe someone else can come up with one...

I realise the implication of the above is that my head is full of shit. Probably so...
Errrrrm - did it have anything to do with............ oh God no, that wouldn't be it.
No, Lou, obviously it was... hang on, I'm just off to make a sandwich... what was it?... Oh pancreas! ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Dunno Alan, but your desert island thread was tops... shame it didnt attract more posts.
Anonymous's picture
I liked the idea of the desert island thread, but it came in really close to the favorite songs of the moment thread, which did get a lot of posts. I realize it was a different question, current favorites vs. all-time favorites – maybe it was just too much music. Try it again in a few months, perhaps. I don't go near any music related threads. Not since *the incident*. I'm still receiving therapy.


I am going to post on the desert island discs thread but am having fun deciding.
It's too much like hard work picking desert island disks. And besides, you chose ten disks, which is two more than you're allowed.


Ah, that's 'cos I made the rules. Told you it was a naff subject.
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