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I have 560 stories published in 40 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 673242 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Daniel Hallington

A repository of all my creative writing works... so far!

My stories

Larry and Mick go to Neverland

“Second star to the right and straight on til morning,” said Officer Darling.

Larry and Mick Create a Black Hole and Nearly Destroy the Universe

"Oops." "What?" "I've just accidentally created a black hole with this Home Physics Kit." "Oh dear." "It's growing exponentially." "You better stop...

Larry and Mick Spin Around Very Fast and Then Regret It

"I'm bored." "Tiddlywinks?" "Bored of it." "Are you mad?" "Just bored of tiddlywinks." "I need tea." "Coffee for me, thanks." "You are mad." "Just...

Larry and Mick Wonder Who Left the Tap On

"Was it you?," said Larry. "Nope," said Mick. "Was it you?" "Nope," said Larry. "Maybe it was the cat." "Don't be ridiculous," said Mick. But they...

Larry and Mick Get Lost in Peppa Pig World

"How long has it been?," said Mick. "Too long," said Larry. "But seriously, how long?," said Mick. Larry consulted his wrist. "3 years, 42 days, 5...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

No problem at all, poncey -

Posted on Tue, 19 Jun 2018

No problem at all, poncey - the last thing I would want would be to cause trouble for ABC Tales!

Read full comment

Posted in The Boy and the Waking Giant