One way to deal with a telemarketer

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One way to deal with a telemarketer

I have to say I'm not a great fan of prank calls. But this one is in a league of its own and probably well deserved.

OK backtracking a bit, it is funny, especially at the start, but on second listening I can see how it could be fake. Also not sure if the non-PC bit at the end is mocking people with those attitudes (which is how I took it first time I heard it) or possibly not so subtle and just reflecting the attitude of the 'prankster'. Also the laughter in the background is very, very irritating. All in all maybe you shouldn't bother.
Thank you, Broosh, I won't bother then! ;-))) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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