Who Would You like To Hang?

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Who Would You like To Hang?

I am completely against capital punishment until Sian Lloyd the ITV weather girl (sic) comes on and I have to rush behind the sofa and poke both fingers into my ears and go wibble wibble wibble until she's finished. She lived with that most remarkable man and MP of the Lib Dems Lembit Opik, remarkable only in that; he's the only man in the history of time who has a lower jaw that is at right angles to the upper jaw. Upon breaking up with the even more hideous Sian he went out with one of the Cheeky Girls. And who'd have bet against him shoehorning that into a question that he had to respond to at question time. "Now don't be cheeky" he replied. Guffaws from the house. There's something to be said for Sharia law.

Whenever I see Kevin Keegan I turn purple and steam comes out of my ears. The man is a prick. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a cliche, he's completely unable to construct his own sentences. I once heard him interviewed in the late seventies when he was still a player and he was asked about his attitude to his manager. I'll never forget his legendary response that "You can't not stand behind somebody who stands behind you".


I'd like to hang Bacon on my walls... not bacon, but that's an interesting idea, too.
The woman from my local housing office who has just sent me a letter that is absolutely littered with the most hideous spelling, typographical and grammatical errors. I am going to my MP's surgery next Saturday to complain about this (and a number of other issues). I don't know about hanging but her wages should be docked. It may seem like a trifling thing to confuse the word 'coursed' with 'caused' but that kind of low standard could well lead to the total breakdown of moral responsibility in Southwark.


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Hazel Blears
E-Grief, i'd hang the twerp up side down, with weights attached to his arms. It might stop him getting his own head stuck so far up his own arse.
'E-Grief' nope, not a clue - and don't send me to googleityoutwat or whatever it is, because I did... google it that is.... Oh!!
'Hazel Blears' I was going to say Patricia Hewitt and Alastair Darling, but I suspect that Grumpy Gordon may well do it himself, or at least hang them out to dry.
Saddam Hussein, he isn't a very nice guy. Visit me http://www.have-camera-will-travel.com/

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I know exactly who you mean, Flash. I agree wholeheartedly.
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