Life & Loves

30 something thoughts, beliefs and I ponder the route to exciting times ahead and beyond..


If today were your last day...

A Brave New World...

Now all the furniture was gone It looked neglected and shabby The air smelled of stale beer Cigarettes and chip fat She swallowed hard

Am I ready?

Uncertain times, passions abound, breaking up is never easy..

Bubble & Speak

Bubbles of excitement Rising up in her throat She couldn't believe what was happening Being whizzed along a country lane In an open-topped sports car On a calm and beautiful Spring morn


My secret love knows no bounds

Colour me Red

A kaleidoscope of life..


Dare to try Dare to smile Dare to laugh Dare to do Dare to go Dare to travel Dare to say Dare to glow Dare to sit Dare to breathe Dare to rest Dare to be

Shut up!

Should we take the plunge and go for it? Dare I?

I Wonder

Should I stay or should I go (now)

The Pleasure Principle

A pleasurable experience...