
Life as it happens to be for some people.

books (Life 6/?)

And you couldn't place a value on what was in some of these books now; who knew what you might need to know or where you might next be able to find it.

beans (life 7/?)

plastic food and plastic water; plastic showers and some beans: Life.

coffee (life 10/?)

Clink-Clunk. Coffee swayed in the pot, the brown liquid hitting both sides as rhythmically as it could, thick as it was. Clink-Clunk.

ritual (Life: 1/?)

getting ready for the world outside.

tap, tap, tap... (Life: 2/?)

Tap, tap, tap. That is his job.

the car (Life 3/?)

She had found a nice little mechanic's place a half hour out of town where she was able to get some basic work done on the car.

donuts (life 4/?)

He used to be interested in what was going on out there, but now… Now he was farily detached from that whole aspect of it. Autopilot perhaps?

hope (life: 5/?)

i hope not

heart (life 8/?)

She's in the library, a gunshot has just rung out...

up (life: 9/?)

It wasn't really a tower. There were no 'real' buildings in the camp. But that didn't make it any better; it was still high.