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I have just written and posted a story which I started writing before the recent tragic events in America...


It involves some degree of guns and shooting, which, in light of recent events, I feel uncomfortable about - particularly given that story falls in the category of 'humour.' I considered not posting... then thought, "It's only zombies who are being shot"... then thought, "But it's still guns and shooting"... and I have, until now, vacillated between these two viewpoints.

I have settled on deciding to post, & requesting the opinions of members of ABCtales...

We'll get round to reading your stuff Pepsoid- please don't advertise in the Forum. That is not what the Forum is for.
No, it really wasn't meant as an advert! It was more a request for opinions on the issue of writing about guns & shooting, after the tragic event in America... pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

(having said that, what's wrong with a bit of self-promotion?) pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

if you read and comment on others work I am sure someone will be interested in doing likewise. That is the main philosophy of the site and not promoting oneself in the Forum. Perhaps you could start a general discussion on whatever is on your mind.
Anyway you don't have to feel uncomfortable about posting it. I don't see why you should? Seeing as you decided to post it then I guess you aren't really that uncomfortable. I have read it and I can see no relation to the tragedy in the States.
Excuse me for butting in Pia. I am sure that you only meant to point out what the purpose of the Forum is but do you think that pepsoid, a member of this site since 2005 and a fairly regular contributor needs lecturing?


I think it's fine, Peps - and it's not a bad tale, either :) http://www.ukauthors.com
I don't care how long he/she has been on the site Luigi- we have recently had a discussion about promoting your own work in the forum so people should know that you don't do that. Especially those who have been around for so long. If Pepsoid wants to start a discussion he/she is free to do it. As I understand he/she was in doubt about whether her/his story would offend anyone and that's why they posted it here. That is relativly legitimate. But I still don't think it is necessary to draw attention to your own work in this fashion. No I didn't realize Stan but it's no excuse, on the contrary you should be familiar with the general etiquette after such a long time on the site and especially since it has been the subject of discussion several times. I have read Pepsoid's story and have no idea why he/she should be in doubt. I know this tragedy has affected the whole world very deeply but we have to take care we don't get our concepts mixed up.
To tell the truth I am offended by the fact that Pepsoid draws a parallel between this story and the tragedy in the US.
I certainly don't mean to offend... which is why I raised the issue! Obviously I don't feel so uncomfortable that I decided not to post the story, but I feel uncomfortable enough that I questioned doing so and requested the opinions of others on the matter. In response to the "drawing a parallel" issue, I suppose the uncomfortableness arises from the treatment of guns and a massacre (even of zombies) humorously. I generally feel okay (mostly) about doing this (not that such things feature too frequently in my own fiction), but I just wanted to hear what others thought. Regarding my long-standing-ness on this site and the issue of self-promotion (I have to say, I am always happy when discussion go off on tangents... the wilder, the better!)... Yes, I have been a member for quite a long time, but admittedly I have barely shown my face in recent years - either to post fiction or take part in discussions - pretty much since I became a dad in 2008. Lack of time is what it boils down to. I do still write blogs, but I find that fiction requires more of a time/effort commitment... as does taking part in ABCtales discussions - generally fascinating, but the nature of this site as a 'writers' site certainly comes to the fore in this context! I have always, however, questioned the 'main philosophy' that one should not promote one's own work. I ask again... what's wrong with a bit of self-promotion? And may I request a response that does not fall under the category of, "because we just don't do that here"...? Does not self-promotion, of artists of all forms, happen plentifully in the big wide world? Should one just "wait to be noticed," or should one "put oneself out there"? As long as one does not engage in spammage, trollage and the like, what's the problem? I will concede that my present foray into self-promotion (again, I declare not entirely conscious) is not balanced by promotion/commentary of others/others' work. I intend hereby to rectify this situation and have a butchers at "Recently added"... Oh and btw, I'm sure this issue has indeed been discussed previously herewith... probably many times since the site's inception... but nothing new under the sun and all that! pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I think I'm going to be sick...

Parson Thru

I have never felt the 'need' to promote myself. But that doesn't mean others don't feel the 'need'. When I see /saw someone putting their own pieces in the forum I tend to steer clear of them. Something bites me. I think it is great if a story/poem is flagged by somebody else for all of us to see. I like that. Do what you like Pepsoid- I won't comment in future as you know what I mean- and Abc is free-there's no Abc prison as Footsie says. It's what we make it. Sorry if I come across as a grumpy old hag- I have had a bad week and the future doesn't look too bright.
Genuinely sorry to hear that, Highhat. You don't come across as a "grumpy old hag"; you're just expressing your opinion, as everyone here is entitled to. Whatever it is you are going through, I sincerely hope things improve for you. pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

To be honest, I feel a bit guilty as well. I wrote a poem in July called "Mister Wilson can you Ring the Bell". This latest thing in America is a bit too close for comfort!


Pepsoid.. If you censor your writing based on tragic events in the world, you will always find yourself censored and silenced. I remember when 9/11 happened, there was a real push to remove images of the twin towers from the movies that were about to come out... even from movies and tv shows that had already been released. It seemed like it took years for anyone to write anything about it (that didn't involve "kill the terrorists" propaganda). Perhaps if a brave writer had written the truth of the situation (even if it was hidden inside a fictional story), the people who allowed 9/11 to happen would not have gotten off scot-free.


You are, of course, right, SF77. We need to be clear of the distinction between fantasy and reality, and not be afraid to point out hard truths. Not that Larry and Mick are really about pointing out hard truths, but you get my point! pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

When 9/11 happened we went out and bought a b&w picture of NYC showing the Twin Towers. We got married in the Bronx, have great friends in New York and it was our little piece of defiance. Stan, have you read "Kevin"? I gave up on it after getting about ⅓ way through. I really did try and persevere, but it was doing my head in.


And how come this has suddenly gone into italics?


Parson Thru-- please pass the sick bag to me. Self-publicity and in the worst taste. To suggest something as facetious as P's Armageddon scenario might cause some soul searching in the light of recent events... Horrible.


I agree my story is facetious, blackjack, but even something facetious or otherwise trivial can lead someone to think about bigger, more serious issues. Isn't it better (as opposed to "horrible") that I think about the possible (even if unlikely) impact of what I am writing, rather than blithely write about whatever I like without any concern for how people may feel about it? And can we get off this 'Evils of Self-Promotion' thing? Every time someone says, "I am a writer," one is self-promoting. In the days of blogs, online writing forums, etc, it only takes a few clicks from such a declaration to the discovery of one's material. In fact, by drawing such attention to my own "self-promotion," I'd say that perhaps you are inadvertently promoting me more than I have myself! I am hardly posting multiple ads, links and blatant self-references. I would much rather we spoke of the wider issues, rather than keep referring back to my own work. More about Tarantino, for example! pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!