Sub-Zero Temperatures in England this Week(end) and Schorching Heat in Australia

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Sub-Zero Temperatures in England this Week(end) and Schorching Heat in Australia

I do not like cold but I would prefer it to the 50+ Centrigrade in Australia. Ice may be a prooblem butit is not nearly as bad as fire, which, in this case, miraculously did not kill anyone but causes severe damage, if not pollute the air excessively, as well.

Stan you're a bit of an Ace with all this you know where to find on youtube and the net! I have experienced minus 23 degrees a couple of decades ago- atm we have minus 7 here in Dk- this is centigrade of course and these temperatures in Oz are frightening. My sister lives in north NSW and says it's HOT HOT HOT. But here it is cold cold cold. Last summer it rained most of the time. I think this global warming is pouring on us NOW and there's no way back. It frightens the hell out of me. Imagine the poor animals coping with this- insects, all nature. To hell with us useless humans. When are USA and China going to sign the Kyoto protocol?