I have 9 stories published in
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My stories have been read 8605 times2 of my 48 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes
NO PLACE TO HIDE They were crouching behind a brick wall, the night air so cold that their breaths came out in smoke. "There he is," Lucas Clark said...
I was always a winter-loving person. I loved the short, crisp days and long nights, spent reading in a centrally-heated room or relaxing in front of...
2 of my comments have received 2 Great Feedback votes
1 Vote
E-Bay is exploiting the
Posted on Sat, 21 Mar 2020
E-Bay is exploiting the coronavirus crisis. Best buy things from Amazon.
Yes, self-isolation can be boring, but there are those who compare the current coronavirus pandemic with World War Two. That is utterly ridiculous. Yes,...
E-Bay is exploiting the
Posted on Sat, 21 Mar 2020
E-Bay is exploiting the coronavirus crisis. Best buy things from Amazon.
Yes, self-isolation can be boring, but there are those who compare the current coronavirus pandemic with World War Two. That is utterly ridiculous. Yes,...
Read full commentPosted in Propaganda! Unprecedented! Surreal!
Choose One Cake Only
Posted on Sat, 16 Jun 2018
You cannot blame Billy for being selfish. He is clearly unloved and I feel sorry for him. I would probably react in the same manner if I were him.
Posted in Choose One Cake Only