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I have 9 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 8605 times 2 of my 48 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

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Judith Erlich


My stories

No Place to Hide

NO PLACE TO HIDE They were crouching behind a brick wall, the night air so cold that their breaths came out in smoke. "There he is," Lucas Clark said...

A Dream of Winter

I was always a winter-loving person. I loved the short, crisp days and long nights, spent reading in a centrally-heated room or relaxing in front of...

Lockdown Lifting

It was a Thursday. The 8th of April to be precise. Lockdown had been lifted. The shops, barbers and restaurants had reopened. Buses and trains were...

Friday the 13th

I never paid much attention to superstition. Friday the 13th was supposed to be unlucky, but I never found it to be particularly unlucky. Anything...

An Errant Son Returns

I woke up at five o'clock that morning. It made little difference. I barely slept a wink the previous night. I had been thinking of going back home...


2 of my comments have received 2 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

E-Bay is exploiting the

Posted on Sat, 21 Mar 2020

E-Bay is exploiting the coronavirus crisis.  Best buy things from Amazon.

Yes, self-isolation can be boring, but there are those who compare the current coronavirus pandemic with World War Two.  That is utterly ridiculous.  Yes,...

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Posted in Propaganda! Unprecedented! Surreal!

1 Vote

Choose One Cake Only

Posted on Sat, 16 Jun 2018

You cannot blame Billy for being selfish.  He is clearly unloved and I feel sorry for him.  I would probably react in the same manner if I were him.


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Posted in Choose One Cake Only