The sad passing of Kathleen Irvine

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The sad passing of Kathleen Irvine

I don't how well-known she was to other people here, but I am sorry to announce the recent passing of Kathleen Irvine, She told me about this site, and the ABC Tales prose pentathlon held in February/March. She gained several medals in this event. I worked with her as a fellow librarian in 2005, and kept in touch with her ever since, mainly to discuss writing. She was a kind and decent colleague and a gifted writer, recognised in her achievement in winning equal third prize in the Neil Gunn short story competition in 2007. Just last week, I attended a seminar on children's publishing thanks to an email she sent me. I never got round to thanking her for it. She was an understated "people person", and they're the best. I will always think of her with warmth and gratitude, and am glad to have known her.

David (Melkur)

How very sad - she will be missed. You can read her work here: Thankyou for letting us know.
Sad indeed. Thoughts are with friends and family at this time. I have to be honest, I don't think I've read any of her work. But will take some time this evening and go through it.


Yes! She wrote a couple of pieces so why not? Now you, no chance!