The Down and Out King


The Down and Out King

1 - EMILY - 1880 My father died when in the Militia Anda swell run away with sister Lititia; Mother’sin the workhouse in very deep sorrow, IfI could...

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WILLIAM Queer, boys, Queer, is the house we live in; Queer, boys, Queer, they grub us every day; Queer, boys, Queer is the advice they’re giving;...

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EMILY G o, wretch, and gaze on yonder hill, Which thy rich friends have built, (The prison homes of poverty,) And bless them, if thou wilt. We...

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WILLIAM Oh where shall we wander, or where shall we roam, sirs. As we walk through the streets folks won’t let us alone, sirs, Kickedout of the...

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EMILY Kind folks all list to my ditty, And afford me if you can some pity I’ve escaped from a place where they try to burk us, I mean the Poor Law...

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WILLIAM Whomade such laws of for English hearts? - who tread on freemen now? Doesnot the warm blood beat the same through every English brow? Why...

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EMILY All around the country against poor people’s will Feeble and borne down with grief, They ask the Parish for relief They tell you to go home and...

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WILLIAM With such dainties as these no man ought to grumble; It’s true they doesn’t give us stunning joints to carve, But then there’s lots of soup,...

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EMILY One day as I was walking though streets not knowing where to go, My eyes fell on a little boy, Close to the workhouse door; He was crying, so I...

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WILLIAM She said she brought a family up of children numbering nine, But now they’d all deserted her, and left her for to pine; And sooner than beg...

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EMILY The starving poor, who need relief, With cheeks so wan and pale, While we are enjoying good roast beef And drinking of strong ale. The hardest...

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WILLIAM The paupers all went raving mad, The dustmen got a prancing While all the old women in Lambeth walk Like devils went a dancing, They did...

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EMILY Pea soup and fat what are you at We have been to the court house, And by and by it is no lie We’ll all go in the workhouse, It is very sad,...

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WILLIAM Within yon paper-window'd room, A group in sadness and in gloom Is sitting - and, though no-one speaks, Look only in their eyes and cheeks!...

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EMILY Thus groan the old, till, by disease opprest, They taste a final woe, and then they rest. Theirs is yon House that holds the parish poor, Whose...

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WILLIAM Dirty days hath September, April, June, and November; From January up to May, The rain it raineth every day; From May again until July, There...

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EMILY Alas! he may not claim a bone Even in the workhouse, be it known, Though Bethnal-Green might own his sire That Bob was born in Monmouthsire...

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WILLIAM Since I cannot, dear sister, with you hold communion, I'll give you a sketch of our life in the union. But how to begin I don't know, I...

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EMILY And now then my clothes I will try to portray; They're made of coarse cloth and the colour is grey, My jacket and waistcoat don't fit me at all...

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WILLIAM Here are nine at a time who work on the mill; We take it in turns so it never stands still: A half hour each gang, so 'tis not very hard, And...

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EMILY Not a field nor a house nor a hedge I can see - Not a plant, not a flower, nor a bush nor a tree. But I'm getting, I find, too pathetic by half...

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WILLIAM Dry bread in the morning, ditto at night, Keep up your pecker and make it all right. Certainly the meals are paltry and mean, But the beds...

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EMILY My unfortunate friends, pray look around, And tell me for what is this place renowned; The room is large, but the windows are small, But that...

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WILLIAM The old bed is full of fleas all alive: I killed in number about five times five. They are not poor, but all thorough-bred, And before...

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EMILY Where the broth is made of bones, Where the cobblers face all weather, Where the stove is seldom lighted, Where the rugs are daily boxed, Where...

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WILLIAM The cloth vos laid in the vorkhouse hall, And the greatcoats hung on the vitevash’d vall, The paupers all vere blythe and gay, Keeping their...

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EMILY At length the soup copper repairs did need, The cooper smith came, and there he seed A dollop of bones lay grizzling there, In the leg of the...

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WILLIAM You ax me to sing, so of course I shall, I’ll sing you the fate of the poor Yorkhouse gal, Who twin-sister vos to the ill-fated child, Who in...

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EMILY They sent for a doctor, they sent for a nuss, But ven they both comed the poor cretur vas vuss. They guved her some gruel, they tallowed her...

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WILLIAM I once was rich - had lots of tin - I never thought I’d get so thin, Business failed, and I must go Into the poorhouse, oh Dear oh I have had...