Pope calls People who refuse to have Children Selfish

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Pope calls People who refuse to have Children Selfish

It is the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

He probably thinks that we should have children just for the sake of having children, just like some mindless animals rather than intelligent human beings.  Half the world is populated by people who had children but should never have had children.  That is even worse.  Children are not God-given rights or toys with which to play.  You should love them before bringing them into the world. 

Pope Dope!

The edit prompt just refers to a formatting issue drumkit.


I do not understand your comment, scratch.  Please explain.

Your above (and still as original) comment had many returns below it causing the comment box to be huge.  I removed the spaces so the comment was readable.  Does that explain it.  It looked like this:


















Sorry for the double post.  I have tried to get rid of it, but could not.