Will Simpson - thoughts running free
Posted by WillSimpson on Wed, 25 Aug 2021
I have ten minutes of spare time. Spare from where?
To think about how we come into contact with each other in the modern world takes thinking into abstract worlds of the cathedral and the bazaar. The communal place of worship to the communal place of the market. Everyone at another's pace.
I'm thinking about feelings today, take that literally. I am thinking, my linear brain, estimating and calculating on my irrational, responsive emotional feelings.
Many great spiritual leaders have spread the word of oneness. We are all brothers and sisters, we are cut of the same cloth, whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me.
We are all similar in our DNA, in fact 99.9% similar in our genetic make up.
As I think about this, I reflect on why we don't always feel that level of sameness. We focus on race, identity, gender, culture, economic status and many other differentiators.
If there was a drug/pill you could take that would give you the feeling of oneness would you take it?
Of course those of us who have experimented in our youth already know there are drugs such as MDMA that can give those feelings for a short while.
As many young people prepare for Leeds/Reading festival this weekend, I'm sure a new generation will feel that sense of togetherness. I am hopeful that the global pandemic can be a catalyst for positive change into the next aeon.
Times up, back to the grind
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the drug of oneness-- I take
the drug of oneness-- I take ti all the time-- it's called beer.