Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point
Posted by Insertponceyfrenchnamehere on Fri, 19 Jul 2024
Posted by airyfairy.
Thank you once again for all the lovely contributions to the site. It's been a really tough Pick this week!
Story of the Week goes to the latest chapter of Jane Hyphen's brilliant 'Parcel for You'. This thoughtful and super-imaginative series (which I hope one day we'll see in book form) just gets better and better. This time, the wonderful characters are planning a trip to a festival. If you haven't read the previous chapters, you really don't know what you're missing: Parcel for you...Part 29 | ABCtales
Poem of the Week is marandina's 'Rain at the Forest Cafe'. It's a beautifully evoked scene, calming and soothing to the mind, and then it takes the reader to an altogether different place, where 'unseen imagination' offers unlimited possibilities and reflection. I can hear the rain falling as I read it: Rain at the Forest Cafe | ABCtales
This week's Inspiration Point is here: Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales
Have a good week everyone!
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