Submissions needed for new anthology!!!!!

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Submissions needed for new anthology!!!!!

New publishers ArcadeRomance are putting together a collection of short stories inspired by Elvis Presley to be circulated through the vast global Elvis community, the UK and New York.
The stories can be roughly anywhere between 150-2,000 words long (although exceptions are made). They can be directly about Elvis (an annacdote, a meeting, his life etc) or perhaps about some influence, great or small, that he's had on your own life (a song, a film, a memory, an Elvis impersonator, a dream etc).
All entries or queries should be emailed to Entries should include a wordcount, contact details of author and a short bio.

sammyjo powell
Anonymous's picture
helllo my name is sammyjo powell i am 15 years of age and i have wrote several poems hoping someone would publish them for me. i will send you a disk when i get your address. could you possible read this then write to my home address, because i don't get to use the public computer much, my address is: 11 cherwell road Berinsfield Wallingford Oxford OX107PB look forward to reading your letter. thanks from Miss SPowell
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