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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryManifest yogitree27 years 6 months ago
StoryShowgirls yogitree28 years 4 months ago
StoryCurse yogitree08 years 4 months ago

My stories


„…it´s a whale of a time“ “Really, such a party!” “Never thought a simple girl from Wyoming could make it here…” “It´s a different city every week...


This poem is about a misunderstanding I had with a girlfriend. I believe, that sometimes the burden of past hurts, also known as memories, or one type of, bind us in a way that makes communication ambiguous. I deliberately use the images of rooms, images and spaces OPENING up as dimensional traps into which we can fall or make others fall when we are not honest with ourselves. I think everyone has a hard time with this, to some degree....


That´s the brew that´s the concoction...you can´t afford me -it´s a dog-eat-dog world and you are a cat. The addiction lies in the comparison You...