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I have 204 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 100756 times and 34 of my stories have been cherry picked.
11 of my 256 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 10 votes

a102866's picture
Stephen Parker

My stories

Stage Beauty

Stage Beauty A fragrant garnish seasons the fly in the ointment colorful veil cloaks the edges of a blank page designer tapestry shrouds the folds of...

Mile Marker 117

By the highway road lies an unkempt garland eclectic mixture not strained by florist hand standing vigil over once careening tracks now invisible...

Childhood Memories

In the light of day lisping shadows case a slower, steadier gait carefree waves of childhood wash the sediments of sandcastles, listless moments;...

Seasonal Gratuities

Winter's final tally sheet bearing only perennial store Spring's first invoice: Brighter thermal lamp with increased BTU's long nights to requite...

Another Indigestible Scholastic Poem

Taking off my rose-colored glasses grabbing a thick, refined monocle to imbibe another scholastic verse dyslexic exercise to warp my mind discordant...
