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I have 423 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 360230 times and 52 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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alphadog1's picture
Andrew David Hunt

I am a 54 year old divorced man who is the proud father of four children.  This year I achieved a ba honours degree in English language and literature. I have six self-published books of poetry with e-publishing companies, 

My stories



This is the final draft. I have taken out a lot. I hope you like it.

Death is not the end

Death is not the end… It’s a portal through which we all must go; And face the sacred mystery of the eternal light. That precious sacred kingdom of the lonely lunatic,

They (final draft.) with more changes

“The notion that the world around us is continually evolving is a platitude; we rarely grasp its full implications.

A psalm of love

Love is more than a collection of random words… Love is more than a mirrored reflection of emotion... Love, charged directly at the heart, changes lives;


Love is more than a collection of random words… Love is more than a mirrored reflection of emotion... Love, charged directly at the heart, changes lives;
