

Diary on The Day Mother Died

The house is quiet tonight. Even the old grandfather clock seems hesitant to tick, as though it, too, has grown weary of the years it has been...

7220 Seconds

Two hours and twenty seconds. Tick-tock, the clock goes, waiting for the body to shake, to convulse, to rise.


It sometimes amazes me, how our dogs can poo on demand! In the mornings when I put them out, one at at time, I will watch them, they do a wee and a...

Based on true events.

A scary Christmas story! The room shimmered with opulence, a vision of Christmas splendour that seemed plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Every...

Nothing New.

There is nothing new under the sun. I heard this week about two very different men, who don't know each other, but they are famous in their own field...

False Witness (Part 3)

When he awoke, his skin was clammy and cold, his head full of fog. Danny had a vague awareness that hours had passed, not minutes. He shivered...

False Witness (Part 2)

Eloise, 2003 Eloise stood on the edge of the kerb, looked back and forth, then crossed the road, just like mom told her. This was a big day, her...
Gold cherry

False Witness (Part 1)

Danny couldn’t figure why the woman at the departure gate was so familiar. He didn’t know her through work or school days or university. But soon as...
Gold cherry


I tightened my grip on the box of books, the corners biting into my palms, as I navigated the narrow staircase to my new apartment. The air was thick...

The Worm

Of all of my books, it is De Vermis Mysteriis that is the most mysterious. An old book copied from much older sources, translated into different languages and kept hidden, it details long lost civilisations and their monstrous gods. For our history is a crafted lie, created to hide the fact that we are not the first intelligent races to exist on this planet.