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I have 57 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 42776 times

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Joseph Apel

My stories

A (not so ) Love Story

She wanted laughter, so he made her laugh, And then she wanted more, so he gave her half She wanted his time, so he gave her his life, She wanted his love, so he made her his wife

This must be Heaven

I’ve been sitting on this rock watching the Sun wage a war of balance, a war that has been going on for millions of years.

The Bench

Sometimes, when I come here, I look to the skies above The thought of you, brings a tear, Mixed with sadness, anger, and love And sometimes, when I come here,


Convictions conveying ,conflicting modes, Filling your head till it nearly explodes Restrictions recalling, recurring dreams, Stagnating mildly, or so it seems

As a River Flows By

I once came here a long time ago, In another world that I used to know Such a quiet place, peaceful and free, For I loved her, and she also loved me
