blighters rock

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I have 181 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 373544 times and 145 of my stories have been cherry picked.
66 of my 1,057 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 68 votes

blighters rock's picture
R Penny


My stories


Starve her of a father

Starve her of a father Let her feel your pain Paint him as a monster She’ll never see again. Starve her of a father Scrub her till she’s raw Tell her...

Please allow me to disabuse you

Not a moment too soon must I disabuse you But first you must help me with your delusion That has caged your heart from every lover Lost Each rated...

The Lifer's Wife

A lone sausage at the open fridge the still night gothed and sodden she caresses the soppy length of the brown meaty bloat that warns her girth and...

Journey to the Centre of Nowhere

There are more livings things in one square mile of earth than there are human beings on the entire planet. They may not live as harmoniously as...

Third Line Syndrome

I’ve failed to write for so long now that I’m scared of opening Word and now, third line syndrome or is it fourth or fifth oh what the hell I may as...
